I love my Toyota sewing machine, but unfortunately, it won’t let me drop the feed dog in order to create masterpieces in free motion embroidery. As a result, I decided to purchase a new machine with the sole purpose of using it for that very function. I only needed a cheap machine… lots of functions are completely unnecessary when using free motion so the machine I decided on was a Singer Promise.
It is a simple machine but works very well with the simple use of a darning plate to cover the feed dog and changing the foot to an embroidery foot as you can see in my sample below. The darning plate is black and as I have another machine, I leave this one set up as is.
Now sewing writing… this is a challenge. Many more tries needed before I can produce free motion embroidery writing to the standard I would be happy with. I have, on the othr hand, produced free motion drawings as you can see below…
This is a drawing of St. Mary’s Place in Stafford and the free motion embroidery piece I produced:
Here is a sample of batik with a free motion embroidery shoe over the top that I produced during my studies at university.
Have a go yourself and happy stitching!