
Well, I know it’s the end of April which incidentally is the final month of the one year project, but here is the development of the January visit drawing.

I had lost some motivation and kept busy with other things but have never lost interest in the project. I will compete all drawings as all the visits were achieved in the correct month. I have realised how much energy and passion is required to keep up with drawing at the pace required for such a project.

I am certainly not an illustrator and have no desire to be (for now at least). This project was always meant to motivate me to concentrate on travelling and exploring new places, practising my drawing skills and using the visits as research to inform my artistic influences and practice as well as having a day job.

I am more excited about how these drawings will develop into final works in different materials. I aim to not only use processes I am already familiar with and comfortable using, but also to learn to use new materials and experiment with new processes. This will form a new project in itself and I can’t wait to get the drawing stage finished and the creative development started!