Well… I do feel guilty having not blogged for a while but I am constantly blogging for my PGCE these days and nothing much has been going on outside of the course creatively unfortunately.
I am however still attending a Stiched Textiles and Mixed Media course at Stafford College one evening a week which I LOVE! This is the third term I have attended and hope to continue if I manage to remain in the Midlands after finishing my PGCE in June. I made a baby mobile for my friend during the course last term who gave birth at the beginning of December to a beautiful little girl.
This term I am working on completing another secret project at the same time as a stitch book which will become a useful teaching and learning resource if it works out as well as I hope… I saw another ladies stitch book which she created on the course in 1999 which shows how long it has been going for with the same tutor as well! It is amazing and I really want to create my own version as I know it will be treasured in my portfolio, so this week I will be starting it! Photos to follow when each page is completed!