I finally did it! I have gained a BA Honours degree in Applied Art from Wolverhampton University. I’m a bit older than school mates who completed theirs 3 years ago but still… 2:1!! 😀





Graduation ceremony itself was bizarre… I was surprised how formal it was although thinking about it in retrospect; it is a formal occasion! I had my photo taken in the cap and gown and I was lucky to get my sister a ticket for the ceremony just before we went in! She was shown on the projector screen as part of the reflection on the year showing the degree show! After the ceremony there was a prize winners reception in the library and my mum said she’d like to come to uni and use the pod’s in the library as she thought they looked great. I pointed out that I was barely ever in the library and hadn’t used the pod and she was shocked!! Haha! Anyway, I received my award for the Keith Cummings Prize so there were more photos taken there…