I had a new acetate printed with my new images on this morning, then took it to Andy in the screen printing workshop to make up a screen for me. Spent a lot of money on this task so it better turn out well! I produced small versions of the image so I can produce some decals for jewellery. I have been thinking about the accessories the dancers wear and within the street culture; they often wear large ‘bling’ jewellery and chains, headwear including bandana’s, hats, caps, sweat bands etc. I thought it would be interesting to have images of the street dancers in dance poses or just standing around casually as imagery for pendants or brooches.
Tutorial and Silk Screen Request In
by Kelly | 23 Feb 2011 | 5AA003 Creative Applications, 5AA005: Specialist Practice in Applied Arts, Creating in the Workshops | 0 comments