Well, I have done bits of reading of one book in particular: Street Renegades: New Underground Art. It is really good. When I was concentrating on reading it a few weeks ago after I had decided on a title for my essay which is, “Why do some artists express themselves through illegal street graffiti?”

I made notes taking quotes from the book which I felt were perfect to relate to my essay question and have today trying to take those and type them up as well as use the huge bibliography list I have put together in a non-official way and turn it into something I can use which follows the Harvard Referencing guidelines. I also came up with an essay plan of what I want to cover in each of the paragraphs but I am still stuck! At least I have made a start! I really want to get it out-of-the-way before the Christmas Holidays though as I will also need to get it properly spiral bound and submitted etc. and really don’t want it on my mind while I am back home with friends and family trying to enjoy a much-needed break!

I also went back to one of my own books by Banksy: Wall and Piece and remembered some of the interesting things written in there! I have copied two pages which I will include as appendices as they are so influential I feel they need to be included but not sure if I will use them in my essay. The referencing bit is the hardest to get right which is why I am starting off with it!