I should have done this at the beginning of the module really and looking at other people’s work and sketchbooks makes me feel guilty that I hadn’t done anything except bring in objects I like and talk about why I like them. So I have now started doing what the rest of the group did weeks ago. I took a couple of objects I brought in on the first couple of weeks which I liked and re-created them using available materials. I didn’t try to copy them exactly like other people in my group, I took elements and tried them out.

First off I used copper wire to try to re-create a necklace I have. It also has large round beads inside the wire which holds onto it, and in mine I used a few tiny scraps of the metal drinks cans I had left over after cutting up the cans to make the flowers… I love to recycle! I think it worked really well. I did a small sample first then a slightly bigger more relatable one. It was really hard to create a spiral getting bigger which then had to get smaller again…

The next piece I tried was a necklace pendant I love which has enamels on it as the detail in colours and is made of metal. It appears to be two halved of a circle joined together with metal to look similar to a ring bound sketchbook. I think it is really pretty. I tried to re-create the spiral element within the circular piece. I combined copper wire with white string as a suggestion of different textures. I really like this too.